Friday, April 27, 2012

Cathedral, Tower, Museum, Candy, GELATO

Blogging is starting to be put a on the back-burner a little bit, but I WILL PREVAIL and endure and press forward. You will stay informed! We started our classes and have an unreal amount of reading- read entire local newspaper for 8 days straight, read a few other newspapers (tabloid/magazine type), history book(s) readings, novel readings, packet readings. It's pretty intense and starting to be in the back of my mind. Not saying it necessarily gets done...still living the YOLO motto. No regrets, right?

The last two days we hit up:
St. Paul's Cathedral: We met outside this huge cathedral and had a guided tour inside (no pictures allowed). It was crazy to walk over the real graves of people on the bottom level. Contrast that with a 500+ stairs hike to the very very tip top of the cathedral- a special feature of our tour group- and you get the most gorgeous pictures of the entire city, plus a huge, losing battle with the wind.
Our cute group- Mallory (laying down in the front) looks wayy happy.

 View from the top. Can't wait to see the London Eye up close!

 Later that night, we went exploring again. We didn't get lost, but we did have quite the experience trying different candies at a little candy vendor in Whiteley's Mall. Among them: Turkish Delight (like Edmund's favorite in Lion, Witch & Wardrobe). Nastiest candy. Texture, taste, all sick.

 Later, later that night, a group of girls went to a pub nearby and tried the sticky toffee pudding that was recommended to us by Professor Nick's 12 year old daughter, Anna. She said it was her fav so we gave it a try! It tasted way better than it looks, especially with the side of ice cream. I'm not a huge fan of the dates that were embedded in the cake..but we loved the pub. My bunk mate, Mackenzie (far right) and I were obsessed with the live entertainment. We hardcore creeped on the English guy playing covers on his guitar. He loved us, no doubt.

London Tower: It has been raining like crazy here. I would upload more pictures, but our internet connection isn't very fast, to say the least. We went to the London Tower, but saw the London Bridge pretty clearly from where we were! The London Tower was an unguided tour and we saw the Queen's crown along with the sceptres and lots of really expensive stuff- solid gold, real jewels...
Then we went on a London Walk of around the walls of Old London. Honestly, I didn't really pay much attention, but I did learn that there is a Cheshire Cheese pub, Erin Garfield likes wearing Nike's, Mallory Hutchings owns the Disney World scene, and so on.

The London Museum was actually way interesting too! I've never been a huge history buff, but everything was so well done that made me want to know more. The exhibits about the Black Death and the Great Fire were fascinating, especially how quickly London was able to recover and how much religion had to do with these two tragedies. See? I'm learning stuff! How bout that.

And we saw this bowl in the gift shop. It had nothing to do with anything, except for how it reminded me of Paul Wagner. "Please Sir, I want some more."

Yes. I have started thinking at least 80% of my thoughts in a British accent. Actually, let's be real here, probably more like 95%. We're all just trying to be socially accepted in this new culture. I have been on dish duty with a few other students for the past few days..we rotate..and it's been quite the bonding experience! I am obsessed with our London Centre group. We are sassy, sarcastic, LOUD, hilarious, passionate, and completely driven in our own ways. It is truly a blessing to be a part of this 40+ member family. Tonight, jet lag did not prevail, and we all congregated outside, in the living room, the kitchen, etc. just kickin it with each other.

I think it's safe to say that we are insane. It's true love.


  1. So glad you are loving you London family! We say the "please sir I want some more" line to Oli all the time, after all his name is Oliver. Love the photo of the London bridge! Pretty sure I read your posts in an English accent. In my head of course, but I just figure that's probably the only way to read such Londonish adventures!

  2. Ahhhh so nice to read your post today!! It's fun to live vicariously through your grand adventures! Let's set up a time to skype on Sunday. Can't wait to talk to you! Oh,I'm pretty sure dad read your post out loud with a British accent!lol
