Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 2: Zoo

I arrived in London safely! and survived the Tube without getting lost! Since I got here a whole day before the program technically starts, I have had all day to myself. I am so grateful for Melissa Stevenson who introduced me to Chelsea Smart, my new friend who is letting me crash her flat tonight. She is adorable and I want to grow up to be like her. Really though.

After I dropped off all of my stuff, I explored. Chelsea told me about markets just down the street so I ventured out and saw the cutest shopping places with cheap prices and all clothes I wanted. I limited myself to two pairs of earrings for 5 pounds. Not bad, right?

I allowed myself to wander around the area near Chelsea's flat and walked past quaint little flats that I would love to call my own! The little girls and boys who had just gotten out of school were all dressed up in uniform with their British accents...perfection. I came to a random park and sat down for a bit. Then this little guy came running up and all I felt was pure joy:

A visit from puppy Fred!

 I still felt ambitious, so I kept walking. There were signs everywhere for the London Zoo, and after finding a map, I realized it was SUPER close to where I was. So I went...with myself...and we had a great time!

 After I got home, Chelsea took me to her favorite place to get fish and chips. If I'm gonna be a Brit, I'd better start acting (eating) like one! They weren't even bad. I just don't think it will be necessary for me to have that much fried fish too often on this trip.
It's 8:47 pm and I am exhausted.

Goodnight all.


  1. I'm so happy you made it safe! And look at you being super independent. Wish we could be there for a little too! :)

  2. So glad you are safe!! I bet it was so fun just wandering around thinking "I'm in LONDON!" all by yourself no less, what a "grown up" you are miss Paiger! I just know you are going to have the time of your life and I am so happy you are doing this blog so I can come along with you on your adventure! Love you lots!

  3. Hey, sweet girl! I just sat down and ate dinner and read your blog...it was almost like having dinner with you(not really!)
    Loved the picture of British Fred, so funny. Dad will love it. Your blog makes me happy and more than that, it helps me know you're doing well. Erin will LOVE the fact that you spent your first day in London at the zoo! Love you.
